Live Bacteria
January 31, 2024

Biological Farming Vs Old Tech Farming

There is no magic bullet to farming. Adding more to soils does not double your results and you can reduce your inputs and double your yields, says Gary F Zimmer, Author of “The Biological Farmer”

by Robert Rushford CEO BioIQ 1300 090 261 | 0447 886 547

Since the late 1940’s, farmers have used industrialised farming methods to grow crops and pastures worldwide, in particular, using chemicals and synthetic fertilisers to maximise crop yields with little regard to the soil health and the living organisms contained in the soil. This has led to degraded soils, poor cropping outcomes, increased inputs and expenses and environmental damage while reducing soil fertility. Adopting regenerative farming practices, particularly ones that increases and add biology, reduce chemical fertiliser inputs and build soil structure can reverse these problems.

Farmers and agronomist alike have long held the school of thought that if you fertilise, replace minerals season to season and have adequate water and sunlight, you are most of the way to a successful crop and for many decades, this was the case. Over the past 40 years, since The Rodale institute first starting using the term ‘Regenerative Farming’ along with significant advancements in soil science and agri-products, we have discovered the missing links have been soil structure, organic matter and most importantly, soil biology. Overuse of chemical fertilisers over decades has seen reductions in productivity and increases in fertiliser use just to maintain crop yields. This is due to the destruction of soil microbes and soil health.

Over the past 14 years, I have been involved in regenerating farms across Australia and USA using biological methods. Over this time, I have met thousands of farmers and one of the biggest roadblocks to regenerative farming is training, lack of knowledge and confidence in regenerative farming practices. In 2021, I had a dairy farmer send me a picture of his pasture in Gippsland, Victoria stating, “where have you been all my life!” 2 years into adopting regenerative farming through the use of biology, while reducing chemical fertiliser use across his whole farm. He reduced his fertilisers by over 50% and had a significant improvement in his feed test results while growing far more consistent pastures throughout the year.

The more you damage your soils and microbes, the more you need to provide the minerals, at your expense, for your crops that were previously mined from your soils by microorganisms. Replacing the microorganisms, feeding them and repairing your soils will reduce your expenses, improve your crops, improve animal health and contribute to climate and environmental repair.

Peter Briscoe

Greenmate Agriculture

NOTE: This Article was written by Peter Briscoe, a Director of Greenmate Agri and one of Victoria's best (and most popular) soil scientists.

Robert Rushford BioIQ


One day we will value Soil more than Gold
Farm Support 1300 090 261