January 31, 2024

Why dairy farming needs New Tech Fertiliser

New Tech Fertilisers and Dairy Farmers

Are you looking to boost the quality of your pasture, save money, and reduce the levels of chemical fertilisers? Or perhaps you’re looking for innovations to help you protect and improve pasture quality without impacting profits?

by Robert Rushford CEO BioIQ 1300 090 261 | 0447 886 547

Healthy pasture and animal production are the upstream benefits of improved soil health and water retention. Soils with high-levels of organic matter have been found to have a higher soil N supply. Because live bacteria work to feed the organic matter in your soil it helps you to obtain ‘more for less’ – more production with less synthetic fertiliser inputs.

Now, you can create a soil environment that requires less synthetic fertiliser and that creates more nitrogen from the atmosphere.

What happens above the ground is dependent on what is going on beneath it.

New tech fertilisers create the environment for a much deeper root zone so that your pasture can survive in harder times and provide greater yield and more resilient food for your animals.

A force for change is found in BioIQ's Victorian Coastal Seaweed, working beneath the ground by replenishing the nutrients in your soil with 20 amino acids which are the building blocks for life – in your soil, your pasture, your animals, and people.

Cows love grass grown by bio-stimulants and we see them migrate to it in preference to other grasses because of:

  • Higher growth rates create a quicker turnover of your pasture and reduce dependency on supplementary feed, whilst greater nutrient uptake enables you to deliver consistent crop quality.
  • Because BioIQ helps to create a balanced soil and quality pastures, providing access to a supply of nutrients from organic soil matter. This means plants get access to the types of nutrients they need precisely when they need them and there is less chance of losing profit to diseased or pest-ridden areas.
  • Maintain confidence in your short and long-term production outputs.

Benefits of new tech fertilisers for Dairy

  1. No excess fertiliser runoff into waterways
  2. Retain more water in the soil when it counts
  3. Biodiverse soils resist pests and diseases
  4. Australian manufacture, smaller carbon footprint

BioIQ Farm Support 1300 090 261 or Robert Rushford 0447 886 547

One day we will value Soil more than Gold
Farm Support 1300 090 261